file recovery

on fat only testdisk use testdisk to recover files convmv use convmv to convert invalid filename encoding (recursively … 更多…

file download

Use of php scripts to get files e.g. get.php?id=fjeidjwnvjemskksnrgms instead of file attachment in emails Download URL, which … 更多…


# Always allow connections to, no matter the interface $IPTABLES -A “afwall” –destination “” -j RETURN $IPTABLES … 更多…

Chocolate Ice cream

Ingredients 1 pkg (250ml) double cream 2tbs milk powder 2tbs cocoa powder 60ml water 60g sugar 80g baking … 更多…


2 eggs 1/2 pkg butter 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour (or less) 1/8 tsp baking powder 1/4 … 更多…

Qi’s cookie

Ingredients 85g butter (inc. 1tbs oil) 1/3 cups sugar (brown + caster) 1 egg 1 cup flour 1/3 … 更多…

Local Calendar Database Creation

With rooted Android devices, create a local calendar database (without Google account / sync)

Following requirement matched / software needed
Rooted Android OS 4.4 or up
Sqliteman (Linux)


Wireless AP

For Centos / Redhat use hostapd to setup an access point

Android Firewall

For tethering # Always allow connections to, no matter the interface $IPTABLES -A “afwall” –destination “” -j … 更多…


Sunkist 的 Navel 3107 的橙好吃 3107 是中號的(大小) Navel Oranges 臍橙11月至5月當造(1至3月供應最多) 基本上沒有果核,容易剝切 特徵是末端有一個「小肚臍」 也叫冬橙 Winter oranges Valencia Oranges 蜜篤橙在4月至9月供應(2至10月,5至7月供應最多,官方網頁) … 更多…