Local Calendar Database Creation

With rooted Android devices, create a local calendar database (without Google account / sync)

Following requirement matched / software needed
Rooted Android OS 4.4 or up
Sqliteman (Linux)

Copy /data/data/com.android.providers.calendar/databases/calendar.db to computer
Delete calendar.db-journal and calendar.db files from /data/data/com.android.providers.calendar/databases/ directory
Open calendar.db with Sqliteman
Open table ‘calendars’ from database ‘main’
Create a new record with following values:

account_name: YOURNAME
account_type: LOCAL
dirty: 1 (don't know if needed)
mutators: com.android.providers.calendar
calendar_displayName: YOURNAME
calendar_color: -13519129 (or your favourite)
calendar_access_level: 7000
visible: 1
sync_events: 0
ownerAccount: YOURNAME
canOrganizerRespond: 1
canModifyTimeZone: 1
canPartiallyUpdate: 0
maxReminders: 5
allowedReminders: 0,1
allowedAvailability: 0,1
allowedAttendeeTypes: 0,1,2
deleted: 0

Save the database

Copy calendar.db to /data/data/com.android.providers.calendar/databases/ on your device
Reboot your device (Important!)

Entries of tables in calendar.db

Easy way

Android app used to import and export calendar records and create an offline calendar database

iCal Import/Export